So, today started like any normal day. Sloane wakes up at 5:30am, I get her up, bring her downstairs, give her a bottle (I know, I know - we're working on that) and doze until she's done. We play for awhile, and Paige makes an appearance around 6:30am. This is usually when my day starts to get "dramatic". Anyway. Around 7:15am Sloane decides to try and poke her sister's eye out and almost succeeds. Paige starts crying - I reprimand Sloane and comfort Paige. 30 minutes later she is STILL sobbing. Oh, and Sloane has decided to join in. Around 8am I called the eye doctor because she is still crying and says she can't open her eye. They tell me to put a cold compress on it and wait until 11am. They probably figured she might be doing an attention-getting scheme (I honestly thought that, as well). She asks to go back to bed (!) and sleeps for almost an hour. She wakes up around 9am screaming her bloody head off. Evidently, her eye was not feeling better. So I call the eye doc and tell them I'm bringing her in. Of course, they don't have an appointment until 10. So I show up at 9:30. :) Paige was sobbing and I felt horrible for her.
So, the eye doctor puts those numbing drop in (tease) and Paige feels fine for the exam. Turns out the surface is scratched (ugh) and the doc turns to me and says "hmm, looks like you're in for a long day". Gee, thanks. The drops are wearing off and Paige starts sobbing again. Thankfully, Sloane is being an angel in her stroller. Right now, anyway. We walk out with a hug and a prescription from the doc.
I drive to Safeway to get the med filled...and of course they don't have it. They call next door, and thankfully, they do have it in stock. So, we walk next door. I couldn't get to the pharmacy down the first aisle I walked down because it was blocked at the end. This is when I start to get stressed out. I make it to the pharmacy. I've never filled anything there, so of course it takes forever to do the insurance crap. Paige and Sloane are now both screaming. It's 10:40am. The lady tells me it will be about 30 minutes. OK, so I lose it a little. I won't quote myself. So we walk around Rite Aid for a minute, but Sloane just wants to grab everything. So, I decided we'd just sit in the waiting chairs and they could listen to my children wail. So we did. And they did. Surprisingly, I had her medicine within 10 minutes :)
We somehow make it back to the car - Paige still screaming. We make it home, she goes straight to bed. I somehow get the eye drops in her eye and give her Tylenol Cold to get her to sleep. Oh come on, you've done it at least once. Then, I cheated and gave Sloane another bottle and made her go to bed, too. *sigh* Today has royally sucked, and it's not even lunchtime.
Oh, and I was supposed to be "kidless" today - Sheena was going to watch them for about 4 hours.
But you know what, I still wonder what I'd ever do without my kids.