Sunday, September 23, 2007

Weekend weddings and picnics

Doug's mom got married on Saturday. All four grand-daughters wore matching was ADORABLE.

In the Cowan household the last two Sundays we've had picnics for dinner. This entails laying out the "Neat Sheet" and everyone eating on the family room floor while watching football. It's fun! Although, I think I'll steer clear of orzo next time...what a mess.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Belated First Day of School...

Yes, this is what my child picked out to wear to school. I'm trying not to quelch her creativity at the moment. Sloane was very excited to drive her to school :)

Friday, September 07, 2007

A picture with Mommy in it... *gasp*

Denise was kind enough to take a picture of me with the girls. I'll post more pictures of her visit, but couldn't pass up posting this picture. I just cut off 4 inches of my hair, so it was an especially traumatic day :) Hope everyone is well.