Well, we had quite an eventful four days. My parents came up for Thanksgiving and we had a great time. However, Paige started running a 104 degree fever Thanksgiving night. She didn't eat dinner and asked to go to bed at 6:15pm. I was up with her pretty much all night. I felt so bad for the kid. She couldn't stop coughing and her fever just would NOT break. Finally, things seemed to get better around 5:30am. So Friday my mom and dad laid around with her watching movies. They also took both girls so Doug and I could have some time alone. We were going to see a movie, but couldn't even get into the mall - so we went shopping instead. It was fun to walk leisurely around without children! Mom and I also took advantage of some sales on Friday...shopped for about four hours and I'm done with the girls Christmas shopping! yippee!! All in all, it was a nice family weekend and I'm sad they had to leave this afternoon! Paige is doing better...I'm hoping we have a smooth night and no fever in the morning!!
Oh, I almost forgot the Santa trip. Paige was excited to visit Santa with Grammy and Poppy. We went to Tysons Galleria (only a 10 minute wait!) because I love how authentic their Santa looks. Anyway. I think the picture speaks for itself. Paige didn't talk to Santa, but he kept her on his lap chatting about things for awhile. Sloane couldn't get away fast enough. Oh well, maybe next year! It reminded me so much of Paige's Santa picture in December 2004, that I attached that one, as well!
Hope everyone had a great turkey day. Love to all.