Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Heather's Birthday

Had a great birthday with Sloane, Paige and Uncle Tim!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Friday, May 09, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday, Paige!

Yes, I know her birthday was two months ago! But here are some pictures from her fabulous 5th ice-skating birthday party. I don't have any on-hand of the actual skating, but here are some from the pizza/cake part of the festivities.

Only one kid went home with stitches...pretty good for 12 5-year-olds who had never skated before!

My Mom iced the spectacular Little Mermaid cake!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Cowan/Racich saga continues...

Most of you know Paige's little "boyfriend", Conard. They have been in preschool together for three years and have pretty much been inseparable. Well, his younger brother, Joseph (2), and Sloane have begun to play together very well. This week we had a playdate with all four...and here are some pics! So cute.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thank you, grandpa, for making a fabulous homemade pasta/shrimp dish for dinner last week! The kids and I love shrimp - and he even got Doug some meatballs to substitute :) Very, very yummy.

And it's Fresca - we haven't introduced wine to Paige yet. She loves being a "big girl", though.

I have the cutest kids ever, by the way.